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Mid South Departments


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The Mission of the New Business Development and Marketing Department of Mid South Rehab Services is to market all extensive services offered by Mid South Rehab to prospective customers while pursuing active involvement in community events and securing new business partnerships.
Our Marketing Department consists of Maggie Mayer, Marketing Graphic Designer; Ashlie Lovins, Office Manager/Purchasing; the Mid South Regional Clinical Directors; and the Directors of Rehab. Marketing is essentially selling, as our daily work involves promoting your facility and Mid South to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
On a typical day, we might be in Magee, Rolling Fork, and Columbus or at the Employee Support Center preparing things for the following visits the next day or throughout the year. In other words, marketing encompasses the whole state of Mississippi, including our locations in Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Marketing is crucial to Mid South Rehab because it puts a name to a face and lets the local doctors, nurses, and case managers meet us. Along with meeting them, we get to explain what separates your facility and Mid South Rehab from the competition.
As the great author Willie Morris said, Mississippi is different. When two people from separate towns meet, one of the first things they ask each other is, Where are you from? And then, do you know so-and-so? People seem to know where the little towns are all over the state. They know what roads to take to get there, how far it is, and the families in town. Quotes like that make marketing unique and fun with Mid South. You can usually make a connection with someone who knows a doctor, a particular nurse, or knows a specific case manager to call on - and ones not to call on.

In the current competitive environment, marketing the services of your Therapy Department is vital. Your partnership with Mid South Rehab Therapy is a step in the right direction in setting the Facility’s Therapy Program apart from your competition.


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