We would like to take a moment at the end of this incredible year to congratulate our entire Mid South Rehab Services, Inc. family. We know that it is because of the employee partners that make up this company that we succeed, help others, and grow.
Mid South is made of incredible people - the kind you love and cherish, the kind who go the extra mile and truly care about what they do, where they work, and who they help. We would like to congratulate the 2019 Employee of the Year - Carol Shepard, DPT.
Carol is the Director of Rehab for Yalobusha General Hospital and Nursing Home. Not only is she an incredible full-time physical therapist, she also carries major leadership roles and responsibilities in the large therapy team at her facility. We are thankful for you, Carol.
Carol's immediate supervisor is Vice President of Clinical Operations, Mark Buckley, DPT. Below is his commentary on Carol and her outstanding achievement award.
"Carol Shepard, Director of Rehab at Yalobusha General Hospital and Nursing Home, demonstrates excellence in all areas of Clinical Operations and was recognized for her hard work and dedication to excellence as the Employee of the Year for Mid South Rehab for 2018. First and foremost, Carol demonstrates amazing heart and character in the way she provides care and service to her patients, rehab team, facility, and our company. She serves everyone with the utmost kindness, compassion, love, and self-sacrifice providing the highest level of quality clinical care to her patients and facilitating a great work environment for everyone that she leads and works alongside. Carol continuously goes above and beyond as a DOR and as a supervising and treating physical therapist including assisting fellow DOR’s and therapists in other facilities in her region to help grow and enhance clinical programs and improve operations. In addition to the great example Carol set to be the epitome of a “team player” and leader, she also is always seeking to advance her clinical skills and to enhance the clinical programs available to the patients in her facility and region. In 2018, she became certified in Dry Needling, which has served to greatly improve access to this new cutting edge clinical technique for the patients and communities she serves. Her example to lead and carry out her role as the Director of Rehab and physical therapist with highest character of heart and love and service of others combined with her pursuit of achieving the highest level of clinical skills with her hands serves to set an example for her team and those in her region, and it serves as a continued example for all us. Congratulations to Carol for exhibiting the heart and skill that is a great representation of Mid South Rehab’s commitment to honor and serve God in all that we do, utilizing the gifts, talents, and abilities bestowed upon us to provide optimal service and care to all that we serve for God’s glory."

Congratulations, Carol. We know that as good as 2019 was, it's nothing on all God has in store for you in 2020.